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Huntsville attorney thinks Alabama Covid-19 vaccine mandate lawsuit has ‘low likelihood of success’

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Alabama has joined several other states in suing the Biden administration in an effort to stop the federal Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é spoke with an attorney to see what the likelihood is that the lawsuit will be successful.

Alabama is an at-will employment state; meaning, employees can quit their jobs at any time, and employers can fire their employees with or without reason. Because of this, Huntsville attorney Eric Artrip said this lawsuit most likely won't be successful.

“It’s very unlikely to succeed given that would in essence change hundreds of years of employment law," he said.

Alabama is now one of more than 10 other states who have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Gov. Kay Ivey made the announcement Saturday, saying, "I have joined a lawsuit to fight back against the outrageous, overreaching Biden vaccine mandates.â€

Artrip said he doesn't believe the lawsuit will bring much change.

“The lawsuit, in my opinion, has a very low likelihood of success," he said. "However, bringing it certainly has certain political connotations."

Biden's vaccine mandate requires all federal contractors and subcontractors to be vaccinated by Dec. 8. Artrip said even with the lawsuit's "very low likelihood of success," under certain circumstances, things could change.

“They would have to do away with at-will employment and say that mandates on certain vaccinations and things like that would be dispensed," he said. "It would overturn or go against a great weight of previous authority, spanning back into the late 1800s.â€

Artrip said that would mean a reversal of many years of court cases, and that's not likely to happen. Even if a judge does decide to see this case moving forward, it would most likely be after the deadline of Dec. 8, he said.

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