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North Alabama Medical Center in Florence expands Covid unit to keep up with more patients

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North Alabama Medical Center in Florence expands Covid unit to keep up with more patients

The North Alabama Medical Center in Florence told Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é staff members are caring for 30 to 40 patients with Covid-19.

Russell Pigg, the hospital's CEO, said they've expanded their Covid units to keep up with the growing number of those who need care. He said they're seeing younger people with the virus, and mostly everyone in the hospital sick with Covid is unvaccinated.

"We've had people that are expiring in the hospital, but we've discharged a lot of people, too. Our staff, doctors, and nurses are doing a good job getting those patients out of the hospital that can get out of the hospital," said Pigg.

Pigg said because of the increased Covid numbers wait times in the ER are longer, but they are not at a critical point yet.

"We're still able to take care of people when they are having their heart attacks and strokes and doing their surgeries and things like that. It has impacted our hospital operations, but it hasn't gotten to the point that we can't do the basic functions of the hospital," said Pigg

Pigg said they have plenty of ventilators and the monocolonal antibody treatment, too.

"We have been doing a lot of the antibody infusions. So far we've been able to get people in the next day and so far we have plenty of the drug as it stands today," said Pigg.

The hospital assists with the county's two drive-through vaccination locations, Pigg said getting the shot can help take pressure off his staff and the hospital.

"We see patients upstairs everyday that are unvaccinated that may or may not be there if they had a vaccination. We still believe in the vaccination and we are encouraging people to get that done," said Pigg.

One of the drive-through vaccination sites is at Center Star First Baptist Church. The other is at Cornerstone Church of Christ. You can check the hospital's daily to find out dates and times on vaccine clinics.

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