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Shoals counselor weighs in on prolonged effects the pandemic has on mental health

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The coronavirus pandemic is dragging on and it's taking people's mental health down with it.

Professional licensed counselor, Alan Bragwell, said relationships are strained now more than they were at the beginning of the pandemic. He said this can be work relationships, marriages, and friendships. His caseload has only grown too.

"30 to 35% of my caseload right now is people that are on the frontlines. Healthcare, doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, or people that work in long term care facilities," said Bragwell.

Bragwell is the director of Services. He describes the pandemic as a prolonged exposure event.

"We're in new territory. We've been trained as counselors to deal with what we call critical incidents. Sadly, a plane crash, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, building collapse, and as bad as those are, people can begin the grieving process after the event," said Bragwell.

Bragwell says as the pandemic tracks on it's like being in a tense situation with no end in sight and that's affecting people.

"What I'm seeing with the healthcare workers and others, individuals as well, is that this prolonged exposure and unknown and questions about what, when, where, how. It's really pulling people down and straining them emotionally," said Bragwell.

Many of his patients feel disappointed with the resurgence of the delta variant and fear that, even though they're vaccinated, they could bring the virus home to loved ones. He said it's important for people to hit the pause button, breathe, and reach out for help or be a person someone can confide in.

"Be available to listen. You don't have to offer theories or suggestions or direction. People just want to be heard," said Bragwell.

Bragwell says even taking a few minutes a day for yourself can make a world of difference. Walking for 20 minutes or finding a hobby can help to soothe and destress during these times.

Bragwell can be reached for services at 256-627-1493.

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