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ADOC: 5 major correctional facilities still have total inmate work stoppages; 10 see partial return

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ADOC inmates

Only five of the Alabama Department of Corrections' 15 major correctional facilities are still experiencing a total strike by inmate workers, ADOC announced Monday.

The remaining 10 have seen at least a partial return of inmate workers, allowing for regular meal services to resume, ADOC said.

Inmate workers make up a large portion of the food service workforce in state prisons. When inmates refused to work in protest of poor prison conditions, ADOC shifted to a "holiday meal plan" of two meals per day.

Some inmates reported the meals amounted to as few as 800 calories per day and were served up to 15 hours apart. Though ADOC claimed the move was a logistical necessity in light of the lack of inmate workers, inmates alleged it was retaliation against their strike.

The strike began Sept. 26 in connection to a protest in Montgomery. Inmates have demanded legislative changes and federal intervention to improve prison conditions that they say are inhumane and a civil rights violation. 

State officials, including Gov. Kay Ivey's office, have called the demands unreasonable. 

Find more Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é coverage of the inmate strike here.

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