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Alabama COVID-19 response unit offering free counseling services

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Alabama COVID-19 response unit offering free counseling services

The Alabama COVID Response Unit is now offering and counseling for people impacted by the COVID pandemic. 

It's part of a one-year, grant-funded project through the Alabama Department of Mental Health. 

Services are available to anyone over 18 who meets just one of the following criteria: 

  • Has tested Positive for Covid-19 or had a family member test positive for Covid-19 since March 2020;
  • Has experienced the loss of a family member, friend, co-worker or neighbor due to Covid-19;
  • Has lost employment or an education opportunity due to Covid-19;
  • Is currently in long-term recovery (from substances) and their primary support system been affected by Covid-19 (unable to attend support meetings, etc.);
  • Is currently experiencing depression, anxiety, trauma or any other emotional or mental problems as a result of Covid-19;
  • Has been diagnosed with a mental illness prior to the pandemic, and symptoms have become more frequent or there are new symptoms that were not present before the pandemic;
  • Was diagnosed with a substance use disorder before the pandemic and is finding it hard to cope with the pandemic without the use of alcohol or drugs.

Services are offered by master's level clinicians in person for those in the Birmingham area and through telehealth. 

To schedule an appointment, contact director Meaghan Bourque at 205-949-2961 or email mbourque@jbsmha.com

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