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COVID-19 testing reaching numbers seen five months ago

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COVID-19 testing reaching numbers seen five months ago

More people are getting tested for COVID-19 in Madison County.

Covid-19 cases are increasing in north Alabama and so is the number of COVID-19 tests being administered every day.

A doctor at Synergy Wellness said that they haven't seen this many people getting tested since February and even though the numbers are not as high as they were during December and January he said they're significant.

"Our volume's gone up 500% in the past three weeks. It's getting very busy again," said Dr. Steven Werdehoff, Synergy Wellness physician. 

Synergy Wellness is not the only place seeing more people come to get tested for COVID-19.

Huntsville Hospital is experiencing the same increase.

"So about two weeks ago we were seeing 18 to 20 people per day come to our Fever and Flu Clinic on 120 Governors. And today they saw 78 people. So, the numbers have gone up quite a bit. People seeking out to see if they've been exposed," said Tracy Doughty, Huntsville Hospital President and Chief Operating Officer.

Tracy Doughty said that more people in the community could also be getting exposed to the Delta variant.

"The variant is some people say up to 10 times more transmissible. You don't have to be around the person as long. People have a higher viral load so it's easier to transmit. So we're thinking there's more transmission in the community," said Doughty.

Even with the increase of people getting tested both Huntsville Hospital and Synergy Wellness said that they have enough supplies to meet demand.

"Fortunately having gone through what we did last fall, you know a lot of the logistics is already set up in terms of getting tests and having PPE so that has not been a problem yet," said Werdehoff.

Doughty said that it should only take about 15 minutes to get a COVID test at the Fever and Flu Clinic.