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Pfizer shares timeline on vaccine for kids under 12, parents warned not to vaccinate kids early

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Pfizer shares timeline on vaccine for kids under 12, parents warned not to vaccinate kids early

Pfizer shared a timeline of when a COVID vaccine may be available for kids under 12.

On Tuesday, Pfizer's chief financial officer said safety and efficacy data for kids 5 to 11 should be ready by the end of the month.

The company plans to file that data with the FDA in early October.

Pfizer is still conducting its Phase 3 study for kids under 5, but they hope to also submit that data next month depending on that study.

However, the FDA is warning that some parents are getting inpatient and giving their younger kids the COVID vaccine before it's even authorized.

Dr. Karen Landers with the state health department explained that when the Pfizer vaccine got full FDA approval some doctors started administering the vaccine off label. She warns against that because the dosage amount is different for younger kids.

A UAB expert explained the current dosage being studied for kids 5 through 11 is only a third of a normal adult dose; while for kids under 5, the dosage is only a tenth of a normal dose.

Dr. Landers urges parents to follow the guidance and to not get ahead of themselves.

"It has not been approved. It has not been studied. It has not been authorized. We might expect same, similar or even more of the symptoms due to the dosage of the vaccine," Dr. Landers said.

She adds that since no vaccine is available for younger kids, the best thing they can do is continue taking the necessary precautions like wearing a mask, social distancing and keeping good hygiene to avoid getting COVID-19.