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Florence animal shelter struggling after mass rescue from Center Star

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Florence-Lauderdale Animal Services has had to go into overdrive after the Lauderdale County Sheriff's Office rescued more than 60 animals from a home in Center Star. 

One of many animals rescued from Center Star property

One of many dogs now at Florence-Lauderdale Animal services waiting to be adopted or fostered.

Sixty-eight animals are now at the shelter, which was already lacking space due to the amount of animals currently there. 

Cheryl Jones, director of animal services at the shelter, said when she first heard about the mass amount of animals, she was worried. 

"You know, having an influx of animals come in is like triaging," said Jones. "We have crates lined up and down the hallway."

The shelter then shared a message on , asking for people to foster dogs or volunteer at the shelter. 

A past experience with the shelter made Donna Tate's choice to volunteer rather an easy decision. 

"We adopted a dog from here who was brought in terrible shape, and had it not been for the shelter, he would have not lived," said Tate. "Now we have this loving, precious baby at our house."

Tate said she wanted to give back to the shelter and that she loves helping the animals there, whether that be by walking, feeding or just caring for them. 

The shelter's original goal of moving 40 dogs out of the shelter within 24 hours of their Facebook post did not happen, which is making the situation even more trying. 

"It's, you know, stressful," said Jones. "I'm worried about my staff, because (animal care) is one of the hardest jobs people do."

As the days continue to pass on with a lack of movement within, Jones said each day she feels could be worse. 

"I'm worried, because tomorrow will be Monday, and there will be officers, you know, at work and animals that need to come in," said Jones. "Currently, it's going to be impossible to accommodate that."

The shelter is open 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays and noon until 4 p.m. Sundays. 

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