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Group asks Guntersville City Council to support moving Marshall County Confederate monuments

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One group working to get a Confederate Monument moved in Marshall County is trying to get new allies for their fight - Guntersville city leaders.

During a city council meeting Monday, Reclaiming our Time, an organization that has been spearheading this fight to move the Confederate monument and Rebel Flag, proposed two resolutions to the council - asking not only for support to move both, but also that if the commission does agree to move them the council will be willing to relocate them to the Guntersville cemetery

"Our demands haven't changed, we're just trying to find the right people to encourage Marshall County to move it," Unique Morgan-Dunston, the founder of Reclaiming Our Time, said.

Demands to move the statue and flag in Marshall County have held strong more than a year later from the initial petition, but now people like Dunston are hoping a different set of listening ears will help them make it possible. She said their pleas to the Marshall County Commission have been ignored.

"It's an issue that is not going to go away and it needs to be addressed, and at this point it's a matter of what city addresses it, we're just tired of being ignored a year later," she said.

But, not everyone at the meeting agreed with the resolutions that were proposed.

"How can a council act on a request to move the memorial when it has not been determined if the memorial will in fact be moved," Tony Sparks, who lives in Marshall County, said.

Dunston says she understands this point of view, but their request is only for the city to support them in their fight - not take action to move it themselves.

"All we're asking from our elected officials from any city to take a stand and say you know what we have learned from the history of the Confederacy and from what has been presented to us from our constituents and the petition that this is an issue that needs to be addressed,' Dunston said. 'We would like to take a stand and say there is a better appropriate place for these confederate monuments and flags for these to be placed," she said.

City council members nor the mayor commented on the proposed resolutions saying they needed more time to look them over. Dunston says she hopes they take all the time needed so they can make a well informed decision.

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