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Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Your Voice, Your Vote: Charles Thompson, 5th congressional district Democratic candidate

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Charles Thompson

Charles Thompson, Democratic candidate for Alabama’s 5th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives

As we get closer to the May 24 primaries, we’re working to bring you information about candidates so you can decide if they truly represent your values and needs before you head to the polls.

In this story, we speak with Charles Thompson, Democratic candidate for Alabama’s 5th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

On a walk down Blue Crest Street in Huntsville, Thompson walked Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é News Anchor Nakell Williams through his reasons for entering the race.

“Because we don't have strong leadership,†he said.

Thompson holds degrees in biology and chemistry from the University of Alabama.

"I was homeless, and I worked my way all the way up to where I could be able to afford me a house and try to live the American dream,†he said.

Thompson says he quit his job in parking at the Huntsville International Airport to set out on this political quest.

"Before that I was bartending and working other jobs,†he said.

He has three top priorities if elected.

Priority No. 1 is to unite people.

“We can't stand as a country divided,†he said.

His promise: “Get people economically taken care of. You are going to see a lot of this division just dissolve because people aren't stressed.â€

Priority No. 2 is combatting corruption.

"We have politicians who can buy and trade stocks. Well, that's insider trading and a violation of (The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)."

Priority No. 3 is improving the economy.

"We have got to get money to the working class,†Thompson said. “We have got to get wages raised for them!"

Thompson also is raising concerns about those on the other side of the aisle.

“I am the only one that shows leadership,†he said. “We have six Republicans running and everyone says basically quote unquote I'll do whatever Mr. Donald trump says."

Thompson says you should choose his vision over others when you go to the polls because: “What I say I do."

For more on this race and others, visit ’s Election page HERE

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Evening Anchor

Nakell Williams, an award-winning journalist joined Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é in September 2021 as an evening anchor. She joined the team after serving as an anchor/reporter for WGXA Fox 24/ABC 16 in Macon, Georgia.

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