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Weekend fire reported at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant

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Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant

Photo by TVA

The Tennessee Valley Authority filed notice with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission after a small fire burned in a turbine room Saturday.

Operators were notified of a fire near non-safety-related equipment in Unit Three.

The fire was put out by the on-site brigade. No off-site assistance was requested.

TVA's filing with the NRC said Unit 3 is currently stable but is offline due to a scheduled maintenance outage.  

Units 1 and 2 were not impacted by Saturday's fire and continue to operate at full power.

TVA released a statement which read all plant systems operated as designed and there were no injuries or impacts to the health and safety of the public or plant personnel.  

TVA said the filing of a Notice of Unusual Event is the least severe of four NRC Emergency classifications.

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